How to Grow an Areca Palm as a Houseplant

by Hannah Sosinski 04/22/2024

Areca palms are a common sight in outdoor spaces but also make great houseplants. They're easy to care for and can grow in your home in practically any climate as long as they get the proper care. Here are the basics of growing areca palms indoors:

Lighting Needs

One of the areca palm's most popular characteristics is its ability to thrive in a variety of lighting situations. Most palms actually prefer shade, and the areca will prefer a spot with bright indirect light indoors. Direct sun exposure can burn the leaves, so using a sheer curtain or another light filter works well if you want to place one near a window.

Soil & Water Preference

In their natural environment, most palms grow in sandy soil with good drainage. As a houseplant, an areca palm will grow in just about any type of commercial potting mix as long as its container has sufficient drainage holes.

Areca palms need regular but moderate watering to thrive. The soil should stay somewhat moist all the time, but it's better to underwater than to overwater. If you're worried about overwatering your areca palm, consider planting it in a terracotta or clay pot to help absorb extra moisture.

Temperature Requirements

Areca palms will tolerate average indoor temperatures above 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Many plant owners like to move their palms outdoors to a shaded porch or patio for the summer months, but it's crucial to bring it back indoors before temperatures drop too low. It's also important to keep them away from air conditioning vents or anywhere else they'll get a cold draft. While easy to care for, areca palms do not tolerate the cold, and will decline rapidly if not protected from lower temperatures.

Areca palms are among several palms you can grow successfully as houseplants. Some other options to consider are the Chinese fan palm and parlor palm, which both have similar care needs and help bring a tropical vibe to any space.

About the Author

Hannah Sosinski

 I started my career in the real estate industry at the age of sixteen and instantly fell in love.

I worked alongside one of the top producing agents in the country as their administrative assistant for nearly nine years before I took the leap to begin my own journey in the real estate industry.
Working alongside an agent who sells over three hundred houses a year educated me strongly on the Pittsburgh and greater Pittsburgh housing market. While working alongside this agent, I was lucky enough to be involved in several different types of real estate transactions and learned to properly determine home values, many aspects of negotiations and have learned how to close challenging deals while also handling a large amount of deals at the same time.

I have also spent the past seven years working as a property manager throughout Allegheny, Washington and Fayette County. I have managed everything from Section 8 to Luxury units.

Exploring the options of the real estate industry can be overwhelming. While working with me you’re able to sit back and relax as I have worked with many investors, home sellers and buyers and can help guide through the sale or purchase of your home and make it as easy on you as possible.

Whether you’re a first time home owner, downsizing, sizing up, looking to make your first/second or third investment, selling your home, etc. I can use my years of education to help guide you through the purchase or sale of the largest investment of your life.

I look forward to chatting about real estate with you!